HACK: The new programming language by Facebook

The new language introduced by Facebook called Hack but it has very little to do with hacking. It was introduced on March 20, 2014. It is simply a new programming language designed that allows programers to build websites and other software quickly and without many flaws.
"We can say with complete assurance that this has been as battle-tested as it can possibly be," Bryan O'Sullivan, the Facebook engineer behind the language, said in a statement.
Many Experts considers Hack as a new version of PHP. Hack runs on the Hip Hop Virtual Machine but allows coders to use both dynamic typing and static typing. 
Hack provides an easier way to manage code and eliminate errors. It provides these benefits without slowing down the overall performance. Hack can run without compiling.

From Times of India:

The company has migrated almost all of its PHP-based site to Hack over the last year (one of the beauties of Hack is that it coexists seamlessly with PHP files). Facebook has now made the language open-source, meaning that any engineer can use it and help improve it."


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