Hey this is simple code for developing a snake game in Python: Snake.py: import random, pygame, sys, random from pygame.locals import * ...
Creating Number Guesser in JSP
Hello friends this is a simple program of creating a number guesser in JSP....Have a look... <html> <head><title>Numbe...
FileOutputStream in Java
Hello Friends.....this is the code for using FileOutputStream in Java: Stream.java: import java.io.*; class Fileoutput { public stat...
BufferedWriter in Java
Hey friends this code explains a simple example of using bufferedwriter in Java: Writer.java: import java.io.*; class Bufferedwriter { ...
BufferedReader in Java
Hey Friends this code shows a simple example of buffered in Java: Reader.java: import java.io.*; class Bufferedreader { public static v...
Filereader in Java
Hello friends, the code below shows an example of using filereader in java: File.java: import java.io.*; class Filereader { public sta...
Printstream in Java
Hey Friends, the code is a simple example of using printstream class in Java: Print.java import java.io.*; class Printstream { public s...
Thread Synchronization in Java
Hey friends a simple code for thread synchronization in Java is shown below: Thread.java class Show { synchronized public void display(...
Postfix Expression Evaluation
Hey friends check this out: Post.cpp: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<math.h> ...
Binary Tree Deletion
Hey Friends here is a simple C++ code for deleting a node from a binary tree. Deletion.cpp: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio...
Program to Covert Infix to Postfix notation
Hello friends here is a sample program to convert infix to postfix expression. InfixToPostfix.cpp #include<stdio.h> #include<con...
Overriding in java
Before developing a program for Overriding in Java let us first understand what overriding is. The fundamental concept of overriding is ...
Download manager for Java
Hello friends I have recently worked on a project on Java where I had to create a Download Manager for Java using Swings. After a lots of...