Creating an array with homogeneous elements :
<?php $array1=array(10,20,30,40,50); ?>Printing a specific element from an array :
<?php echo $array1[1]; ?>Creating an array with heterogeneous elements :
<?php $array2=array(6,"santosh","rahul",array("x","y","z")); ?>Accessing values from the above multidimensional heterogeneous array :
<?php echo $array2[3]; // Accessing complete array inside another array. echo $array2[3][1]; // Accessing specific element of an array inside another array. echo $array2[1]; // Accessing a specific element from the array ?>Changing an array element with anther value :
<?php $array2[3]="cat"; ?>Creating an array with key-value pair :
<?php $array3=array("fname"=>"Jhon","lname"=>"Smith" ); ?>Printing a specific element from an array created using key-value pair :
<?php echo $array3["fname"]; ?>Printing entire array :
<?php print_r($array2); ?>Here are some common methods for manipulating arrays in PHP that may come handy while working with arrays :
Creating array : <?php $array1=array(10,40,30,20,50); ?> Count : <?php echo count($array1); ?> Max : <?php echo max($array1); ?> Min : <?php echo min($array1); ?> Sort : <?php echo sort($array1); print_r($array1); ?> Reverse sort : <?php echo rsort($array1); print_r($array1); ?> Implode : <?php echo $str1 = implode(" * ",$array1); ?> Explode : <?php echo print_r(explode(" * ",$str1)); ?> In array : <?php echo in_array(30,$array1); ?>
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