Creating function with no argument and no return type :
<?php function show() { echo "Show is called"; } show(); ?>Creating function with argument but no return type :
<?php function sum($a,$b) { $c=$a+$b; echo "Sum is : {$c} "; } sum(10,20); ?>Creating function with argument and return type :
<?php echo mul(2,3); function mul($a,$b) { $c=$a*$b; return $c; } ?>Creating function that returns multiple values :
<?php function sum_diff($a,$b) { $c=$a+$b; $d=$a-$b; $result=array($c,$d); return $result; } $res=sum_diff(50,30); echo "Sum : {$res[0]} "; echo "Difference : {$res[1]}"; ?>Using global variables inside a function :
<?php $b="Outside"; function glo_change() { global $b; $b="Local"; } glo_change(); echo $b; ?>Using default parameter inside a function :
<?php function paint($color="red") { echo "Color of the room is {$color}"; } paint("blue"); paint(); ?>
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