Consider the following code snippet of code :
<?php $var1="2"; $var2=$var1+4; echo $var2; ?>In the above code the implicit type casting is explained. As you can see in the code that the $var1 is initialized with a string value which is then added with a integer value the resulting integer value is stored in $var2. Next, let us take a look on explicit type conversion :
<?php echo gettype($var1); echo gettype($var2); settype($var2,"string"); $var3=(int)$var2; echo gettype($var3); ?>As you can see in the above code, first I have found the type of a php variable using gettype() and then set the type of a variable using settype(). I have also demonstrated that how you can change data type of a variable by explicitly specifying the datatype as in the case of $var3 where I have used the int datatype. Below is a list of method that may come handy while you are dealing with type casting :
Is Boolean : <?php echo is_bool($var1); ?> Is Array : <?php echo is_array($var1); ?> Is Float : <?php echo is_float($var1); ?> Is Int : <?php echo is_int($var1); ?> Is Null : <?php echo is_null($var1); ?> Is Numeric : <?php echo is_numeric($var1); ?> Is String : <?php echo is_string($var1); ?>
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